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The Ultimate Border Crisis Negotiation…A Biden/Trump Tequila Summit


As the President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council (USHBC), I recently moderated a Town Hall event in Laredo, TX, where Texas elected officials, including Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Laredo Mayor Dr. Victor Treviño, and Webb County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, discussed critical issues such as the economy, immigration, and national security. The gathering highlighted the urgent need for bipartisan solutions, transcending political divisions to address challenges faced by border states like Texas.

It’s vitally important to move beyond finger-pointing and focus on real solutions. Both Republicans and Democrats share responsibility for the immigration challenges, and the time for blame has passed. Our association is willing to collaborate with anyone genuinely seeking a solution because, as business leaders, we understand that uncertainty hampers progress.

The recent town hall event shed light on the admirable bipartisan efforts of Texas elected officials like Senator Cruz, who highlighted his collaboration between Hispanic representatives across party lines, including Tony Gonzalez, R-Texas, Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, Monica De La Cruz, R-Texas, and Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas. This unity, despite political differences, deserves acknowledgment as a positive step towards effective governance. My hat’s off to these fellow Tejanos!

Our association aims to lead the way in promoting bipartisan solutions and highlighting instances where diverse voices come together for a common cause. The recent USHBC town hall showcased a moment of unity, where politicians from both sides engaged in honest discourse with a focus on solutions. This spirit aligns with our mission of fostering conversations that transcend partisanship.

As we acknowledge the crisis at the border, we invite business leaders to take an active role in addressing this issue. It’s not only a human cost, but also an economic one that demands our attention. Business must step up, speak out, and actively contribute to keeping our nation healthy. We can no longer stand on the sidelines; the responsibility is ours.

With the upcoming visits of both President Biden and former President Trump to the border, the USHBC extends an unprecedented offer—a ‘Tequila Summit’ at the border. This proposition aims to bring leaders from both sides of the aisle together, showcasing that this is not a red or blue issue, but an American crisis that requires bipartisan solutions. I’m not pollyannaish.

While I’m sure most reading this don’t think that could happen, I urge you to suspend that disbelief and consider the possibility. By setting politics and personal differences aside, our leaders can demonstrate their commitment to democracy, national security, and the well-being of the American people. This is something the American people and businesses are desperate to see to begin the process of bringing our country back together.

It’s time for business to play a more active role in shaping the narrative and pushing for bipartisan solutions. Because effective, sustainable immigration reform is an economic imperative. Let us collectively advocate for policies that support American small businesses and demonstrate that, as a nation, we can rise above political divisions for the greater good. The USHBC is committed to fostering dialogue, finding solutions, and leading the way towards a more united and prosperous America.


Javier Palomarez is the President & CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council (USHBC). Palomarez is a leading voice in the areas of multi-cultural consumerism, marketing, small business, entrepreneurship, and the Hispanic electorate. He is an acclaimed spokesperson for small business and entrepreneurship, as well as a nationally recognized leader in the Hispanic community, being recognized as one of America’s most influential Hispanics for over a decade. The United States Hispanic Business Council (USHBC) is a voice for the Hispanic business community. A 501(c)6 non-profit organization, the USHBC focuses on improving access to contracting in the public and private sector, fair representation of Hispanics in business, media, and politics and ensuring Hispanics have a voice in the national dialogue. The USHBC is a bipartisan organization.

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