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Nigel Green on Ensuring Financial Security


Nigel Green is CEO and founder of deVere Group, which comprises of more than 100 legal entities around the world. These companies specialize in financial advice, insurance, low-cost investment solutions, asset management, online banking, cryptocurrency, and pioneering fintech, amongst other areas.

Founded back in 2002, today deVere Group has a truly global presence, doing business on every continent, with more than $12 billion of assets under its investment advice, and investing in and bringing-to-market innovative fintech solutions.

Green is a financial services industry pro with more than four decades of international experience, plus he’s an in-demand commentator and analyst on financial, economic and financial technology matters by the world’s most influential media outlets.

Indeed, he has had an ongoing, regular finance column with Newsmax for more than six years.

Newsmax Money Editor Lee Barney spoke with Green to learn more about the man leading this globe-spanning organization in a highly competitive industry, and as financial conditions remain volatile.

Newsmax Money: Your companies have the stated mission of “helping clients reach their long-term financial goals.” Is it becoming harder for people to be financially secure in today’s world?

Nigel Green: No, I don’t think so. Despite higher borrowing costs, diminished credit flows, cost of living crises, market volatility, and weaker economic growth, I believe that with the right independent advice, people can become financially secure.

There have always been reasons, obstacles, factors to throw people off course from achieving their goals, and, in many ways, the current environment is no different.

The fundamentals of becoming financially secure remain the same. They involve a combination of sound financial habits, planning, and making informed decisions.

It requires discipline, patience and adaptability – and it’s essential to regularly review and adjust your financial plan as your circumstances inevitably change.

Seeking guidance and advice from a financial professional, and building a relationship with them, will prove invaluable.

NM: You’ve clearly become very successful – and financially secure – following these fundamentals. If you don’t mind my asking, what is the net worth of Nigel Green? I Googled the question and 640,000 possibilities came up.

Green: There’s much chatter about this online recently – and, to be honest, I rather do understand why people might Google this.

As the CEO of a financial organization, people want to know if the boss “practices what he preaches” and is financially secure himself.

But I’d suggest a better way to gauge this would be to see how we continually help our clients achieve their financial freedom. This is more objective and offers more far insight, I think, into how well we’re doing our job as financial advisors.

That said, I believe our expertise has allowed us to achieve an outsized impact in our industry. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of establishing many companies and projects that have positively influenced countless people. That, to me, is a true measure of success.

NM: What is a typical day in your life like? Where do you focus your energies and attention?

Green: It’s a cliché but every day really is different. One thing is a consistent, however. I’m an early riser – always have been – so I tend to wake up, wherever I am in the world, around 3 a.m. My day starts with what I call a “non-negotiable” exercise.

Even when I’m traveling, I will exercise either in my hotel room, where I will have equipment delivered ahead of time, or in a gym.

Then I will get to work. We have offices all over the world, so I start Zooming our top people in the farthest time zones form where I am, typically places like Australia and New Zealand, to see how I can support and encourage them further.

Ours is not a conglomerate driven by memos, but a company of individuals who benefit from regular contact from others, including senior leadership, across the organization.

The day is all about communication and engagement. It’s filled with meetings with our people around the world, or perhaps with other stakeholders such as regulators and government officials, and often I have media obligations too.

I also produce a lot of content for social media. I am active across YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn, each platform offering a different audience and context.

NM: That’s interesting that an established financial services company would be so dug into this outlet. Why is social media so important to you?

Green: It helps me to reach people quickly and effectively, allowing me to share insights, and perspectives on relevant topics.

It also gives me the chance to demonstrate transparency and authenticity. By sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of my work, sometimes engaging with our teams, sometimes even with my family, and by providing updates on company initiatives, visions, successes, and challenges, I get to establish a more personal connection.

Plus, it gives me an opportunity to attract top talent and engage with potential recruits by showcasing company culture, values, and achievements.

NM: You mentioned your exercise is non-negotiable. Why?

Green: I’m one of those people who like the discipline and routine, I guess, besides the obvious and hugely important, physical and well-being effects of being disciplined to exercise each and every day.

Also, exercise helps boost my mental clarity and focus, energy levels and enhances my productivity.

NM: Are you as obsessed with diet as you are with exercise?

Green: Yes, I guess I am. I’ve been a vocal advocate of the keto diet – low carb, low sugar, higher fat diet – for many years. It works for me – not only because of the physical benefits of staying in shape and controlling blood sugar – but also because it increases my mental focus.

Ketones, the by-product of fat metabolism during ketosis, are said to have neuroprotective effects and provide an alternative energy source for the brain. I’ve found this to be true for me. But, of course, everyone is different. For me, keto makes me feel alive and buzzing.

NM: As a global CEO, you travel extensively. How do you handle the demands of constant travel?

Green: Yes, travel is a major aspect of my role, as we have offices all over the world. It can be demanding, but I’ve learned to adapt and make the most of it.

Planning and organization are key. I have a dedicated team that handles logistics and travel arrangements, making the process smoother. I also use tech to stay consistently connected and productive while on the go. I enjoy the travel and all that comes with it – meeting people, learning new things, too, which, of course, helps!

NM: What’s the biggest challenge you face as a CEO?

Green: Challenges are inevitable and I thrive on them; I like problem-solving, diving-in deep and not coming up for air until there’s a workable solution.

Managing a diverse workforce across different countries, cultures and time zones keeps me on my toes. To ensure I do this properly, we foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and open communication within the organization. Also, building a strong leadership team and surrounding myself with talented individuals who share the vision is crucial for success.

NM: How do you achieve a work-life balance?

Green: I think the term life-work balance is overdone and overrated. The optimal balance is to love your work, so it becomes part of your life. My work is my life, and my life is my work – I love it – this is the ultimate goal, surely?

NF: But when you’re not running a global firm, which you cannot do all the time, what do you do?

Green: I’m a big Formula 1 fan and go to as many races as I can, often accompanied with family, friends and colleagues who share my passion. Red Bull is my team – and they’re looking dominant for the 2023 season. I’m lucky to have spent time with many of the Red Bull guys, including Max Verstappen, who is a legend!

Chelsea FC is another big one for me. I go to see as many matches at their home ground, Stamford Bridge, as much as I can with my son, James and all the grandkids – who’ve had no choice in supporting The Blues [laughs].

Unfortunately, Chelsea haven’t had the best season, but there’s always next year!

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