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A Movie About The Titan Submersible Tragedy Is In The Works


A movie is being made about Oceangate’s submersible tragedy, mere months after the incident occurred.

The project currently shares the title ‘Salvaged,’ the same as the one used in the previously released docuseries, according to Deadline. Justin MacGregor and Jonathan Keasyey are set to co-write the new film, which E. Brian Dobbins and MindRiot will co-produce. The plot is centered around the periods before, during and after the five-day tragedy that claimed five lives, including that of Oceangate CEO, Stockton Rush.

“The Titan Tragedy is yet another example of a misinformed and quick-to-pounce system, in this case, our nonstop, 24-7 media cycle that convicts and ruins the lives of so many people without any due process,” Keasey said. “Our film will not only honor all those involved in the submersible tragedy, and their families, but the feature will serve as a vessel that also addresses a more macro concern about the nature of media today,” he said, according to Deadline.

Keasey shared details about the perspective of the project and how he is planning to present the tragic story to audiences.

“Truth is all that matters,” he said. “And the world has a right to know the truth, always, not the salacious bait crammed down our throats by those seeking their five minutes of fame.” (RELATED: ‘Impossible For Me To Process’: James Cameron Describes Sub Design Problems Reflects On Expeditions To View Wreckage)

“Life is not black and white. It’s complicated. There’s nuance. Always nuance,” Keasey said, according to Deadline.

There was no information provided about who will act in the the film or when the expected completion and release date will be.


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