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Comedian Rip Micheals Says His Wife Left Him While He Was On His Death Bed


Comedian Rip Micheals revealed his wife left him while he fought for his life following a near-fatal heart attack this past November.

Micheals said his wife seized the moment and decided to leave him as he was on his death bed, uncertain if he would survive to see another day. He detailed the experience during Thursday’s “Way Up” podcast with Angela Yee, saying his former spouse, Veronica, left him during his darkest hour.

The “Wild N Out” alum began by noting one positive aspect that resulted from his medical emergency, then explained how he was able to make peace with his wife’s decision to leave him at such a volatile time.

“When I was in the hospital, it made me get really closer to my daughter, because I, my wife — my wife left me while I was in the hospital too, so …” Micheals said, as he stunned Yee with the shocking news.

A true comedian at heart, he quipped about the unfortunate timing of his wife’s decision.

“I guess when it said ‘till death do us part, she’s a go-getter — she don’t like to procrastinate so she was, she was out,” he said.

Yee chimed in to say she felt Veronica’s actions were “cold-blooded,” but Micheals chose to take the high road, and didn’t say anything derogatory about his former wife.

“Um, I guess when it said I was in ICU, she was like, I’ll see you later, so, she was — she was out of there,” he said, as he shook his head.

“But it’s ok, but you know what it does? It lets you know that certain people can’t handle things, and certain people are supposed to be with you for certain parts of your life,” he said.

The comedian admitted he struggled with the news before making peace with Veronica’s decision.

“And I — and I realized that it was hard to cope with, because honestly when I was sitting there and I went from just right regular hospital bed to CCU and had the, the non-stop doctors about me, I really thought it was over,” he said.

He credited his fans for helping him get through this difficult time.

“And if it wasn’t for all the fans and, and even every single person calling me and wishing me well wishes, I was like, you know what, I’m meant to get out of this bed,” Micheals said.

“I have more of my life to live. It’s, it’s not over. And I must have cried millions of nights in that bed.” (RELATED: Actor Tony Ganios Dies From Heart Attack After Surgery)

Micheals said he was married to Veronica for two years before she called it quits on their marriage. The comedian then praised his daughter.

“Yes. Oh my god. Came through, like — that’s what I’ll tell you. My daughter came through like a champ, and she was there every single day, like, by my side making sure everything was good. She grew up right in front of my eyes. That was just great to see my daughter become a woman like that, and just take charge, and be sitting there, going back and forth to the doctors, making sure I got my meds, making sure everything was taken care of. Big shoutout to my daughter. Love her to death, man,” Micheals told the host.

Yee pointed out that health problems such as Micheals’ could serve as “a wake up call,” showing how suddenly one can lose “loved ones.” Micheals agreed.

“It was, it was a wake up call, and what it does — the most important part of it — it lets you realize and reevaluate what’s really important to your life. What really matters. The people that really matter to your life,” Micheals said, warning listeners to be mindful of their health.


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