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‘I Would’ve Screamed So Much Louder’: Gina Carano Has No Regrets Over Tweet That Got Her Fired


Gina Carano, the former star of “The Mandalorian,” says she doesn’t regret her social media posts that got her fired in an interview with “The Sage Steele Show” published Wednesday.

Carano was fired following a series of controversial social media posts and she harbors no regrets about her online expressions and even wished she had spoken up more. The actress opened up about her thoughts behind her posts in an interview with Sage Steele on “The Sage Steele Show.”

“So, when people ask me if I would’ve done anything different, I would’ve screamed,” the actress told Steele. “I would’ve screamed so much louder. Everything I was saying, from lockdowns to masks, to vaccines: ‘Question everything. Do not allow these people to force this on you. Pay attention.’ I would’ve screamed it.”

“So, I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry for what I said. For what I posted. For what I was standing for. For what I was screaming for, or trying to scream for. I’m not sorry,” she added.

Lucasfilm’s decision to not bring Carano back for the third season of “The Mandalorian” came after a post she shared drew criticism. The post drew parallels between the treatment of Jews by their neighbors during the Holocaust and modern-day political divisions. Carano clarified that her intention was not to equate Republican voters with Jewish Holocaust victims but to point out the dangers of societal divisions.

“People, we’re turning against each other, and history repeats itself, and we need to be cautious of that while all of our emotions are running so high. And it just seemed like it could reach everyone, that statement,” she explained. (RELATED: Disney CEO Hits Back At Claims Over Why Gina Carano Was Fired, Says Company Is Neither ‘Left-Leaning Or Right-Leaning’)

Despite the controversy, Carano remains unapologetic and she claims that her posts were aimed at promoting unity among people of all political stripes, from Democrats and liberals to Republicans and those indifferent to politics. She reflected on the broader context of her posts.

“It wasn’t anything compared to what some of my co-stars said, and they’d made references to Republicans being Nazis,” Carano stated. “And, by the way, I adore all of my co-stars. I’m just saying, what I put out there was more about for everyone. Democrats, liberals, people who don’t vote, Republicans. That was for everyone to stop demonizing each other, stop attacking each other.”


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