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I left my own wedding early after the best man ruined everything


This poor guy needs better friends.

An anonymous best man became one of the most hated humans on Reddit recently after a grumpy groom revealed the self-centered wedding partier had chosen the moment of the traditional speech to instead make a dramatic proposal to his own girlfriend.

The baffled betrothed, 30, wound up ditching his own nuptials early, after attentions in the reception hall seemed to shift almost entirely to the freshly-minted fiancees.

As the hapless hubby revealed on the popular Reddit forum “Am I The Asshole,” his Irish goodbye had people calling him the bad guy — leaving him bewitched, bothered and bewildered.

“We were having a good wedding until the speeches happened,” the man explained. “Now i thought it was common sense to not do this, but during the best man’s speech he decided to propose to his girlfriend. She said yes, and all hell broke loose.”

From that moment on, “no one paid attention” to the newlyweds — instead turning their gazes to the suddenly-engaged couple.

“People starting eating early, the speeches were cut short after he proposed, on top of that he got the DJ to play him and his girlfriend ‘their song,’” he continued. “Which incited a whole bunch of couples to do the same.”

The angered Redditor explained that the attention was taken off of the newlyweds as people celebrated the engagement.

For three hours following, “it was just couples running to the DJ to play ‘their song’ and hogging the dance floor,” he griped.

“When me and my husband finally got a chance to dance, people were to exhausted and didn’t pay attention, they instead went to eat,” he continued.

After a few hours, the groom turned to his new hubby and said he “didn’t really want to be here anymore,” and the pair left, only bidding farewell to the parents.

“Nobody even noticed we had left,” he said.

Just three days after they tied the knot, the Redditor’s cousin asked where the couple had disappeared to, as they didn’t say goodbye.

Grooms dancing
It was supposed to be their special day — and then the best man stole the spotlight.

“I told her we left early because nobody was paying attention nor cared enough to,” the groom explained.

“Now we’ve been getting calls from all our relatives telling us we’re immature and need to lighten up. That we should be happy our wedding made people this romantic.”

The grooms plan a do-over in the near future — a “small wedding” with just the couple and their parents, he added in the comments.

After inquiring if he was, in fact, the “asshole” for giving up and leaving, fellow Redditors flocked to their defense in the comments, unanimously declared that he is “NTA,” in the parlance of the chat room, or “not the asshole.”

One person called it “the worst [thing] that could happen” on a wedding day, slamming the best man for stealing their “thunder.”

“Send the best man a bill for half the cost of his engagement party,” another user advised.

“I will never understand people who think this is a good and romantic idea,” someone else wrote. “I would be furious if anyone proposed to me at someone else’s wedding. It’s unoriginal, has no special meaning for our relationship, I would feel pressured, and it’s plain disrespectful to the couple.”

“What a selfish best man,” one person said. “I haven’t got a clue why people are this dense, or what goes on in their tiny minds to suggests this is acceptable….and then to play their goddamn song!?!?!”


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