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Woman pays $1.7K to cover tattoos — one resembles hairy penis


It was not a hard decision.

A UK woman has spent nearly $2,000 trying to cover up tattoos a friend gave her while they were drunk — including one on her arm that looked like “a hairy penis.”

One night in May 2020, Natalie Rene, 35, drunkenly thought it would be fun to bring out the $60 tattoo kit she ordered on Amazon.

The law student from England let her friend try a few designs on her and went to bed.

One night in May 2020, Natalie Rene, 35, drunkenly thought it would be fun to bring out the $60 tattoo kit she ordered on Amazon.

Natalie Rene / SWNS

“Straight away after I woke up that morning I thought, ‘This isn’t how I pictured it,’ because I was drunk when I had them done — then the reality kicked in,” Rene told SWNS.

“The tattoo was meant to be a love heart with an arrow through it, but because it was so deep and the scarring, it looked like a hairy penis,” she explained.

The heart-arrow-turned-scrotum wasn’t the only unfortunate inking Rene had done that night.

“Straight away after I woke up that morning I thought, ‘This isn’t how I pictured it,’ because I was drunk when I had them done — then the reality kicked in,” Rene told SWNS. Natalie Rene / SWNS

“I also got a few more that night from the same friend — a weird spirally thing on my leg with an R on it, and a love heart on my hand, another arrow on my foot, and a semicolon thing on my wrist,” she shared.

The designs didn’t just become distorted, they also became a health hazard.

We ended up going to the hospital because he tattooed so deep and it was bleeding and very sore,” Rene recounted.

“The doctor said it’s very dangerous, and I’m lucky I didn’t lose my arm because of how deep he tattooed it,” she continued.

The designs didn’t just become distorted, they also became a health hazard.

Natalie Rene / SWNS

After living with the distorted tattoos for three years, Rene finally had all the markings — apart from the heart on her hand — covered up.

Ultimately, she spent about $1,700 to transform her tattoos into more appealing designs.

Rene no longer speaks to her friend-turned-drunken-tattoo-artist, as her family was not very happy she’d had them done.

After living with the distorted tattoos for three years, Rene finally had all the markings — apart from the heart on her hand — covered up. Natalie Rene / SWNS

She admits she still owns the tattoo kit but has not pulled it out for another DIY session despite her friends’ drunken pleas.

“When me and my friends are a bit drunk, my friends tell me to get it out, and I am like, ‘Nope,’” she said.

“It’s never going to end well, and it’s never going to look good,” she declared.

Rene confessed she hasn’t trashed the kit because she’s a “hoarder.” However, she does not believe that tattoo kits should be so easy to purchase, noting that even a child could buy one.

“I don’t think they should be sold on Amazon, I have spent so much money getting them covered up and could have lost an arm,” she sighed. “It’s the stupidest thing but the easiest thing to get hold of.”

She concluded: “I don’t know what possessed me to get them. I want a time machine.”


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