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Haley: Thought of Harris Presidency Frightening


The prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming president if Democrats win next year’s election should “send a chill up every American’s spine,” former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News on Sunday.

Haley said a Democratic victory is possible if former President Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination for president.

The former South Carolina governor said, “Donald Trump is a friend of mine. It was an honor to serve in the administration and work on foreign policy with him, and I agree with a lot of his policies. But the fact is, I don’t know if it’s four or five or six or how many indictments it is now, but he’s going to spend a lot of time in a courtroom and not on a campaign trail.”

Haley said, “My concern is we cannot have Kamala Harris as president. We can’t chance this. We have to make sure that we have a new generational leader that’s going to bring in not only Republicans, but we’re going to pull back the independents. We’re going to bring back in the suburban women. We’re going to bring in Hispanics. We’re going to bring in the Asian community. We have to make sure we win this, because the thought of Kamala Harris being president should send a chill up every American spine.”

Even though Haley is fifth among the Republican candidates in polls, more than 40 percentage points behind Trump, she insists the race is far from over.

“It’s actually just getting started,” she told Fox News. “And so, we’ve done 80 events and New Hampshire and Iowa. We’re going to keep being there. We’re doing events in South Carolina all this week. We’re going to keep focusing on touching as many hands as we can, answering every question.”

One of those issues is abortion, on which during the first Republican debate on Wednesday she urged a “consensus.”

Haley told Fox News that Republicans must “acknowledge that the issue is real. You know, I think that I have always said I am unapologetically pro-life — not because the Republican Party tells me to be, but because my husband was adopted. I had trouble having both of my children, so I am surrounded by blessings …”

But, she said, “when we’re talking about a federal law, you know, it’s just frustrating that no one was telling the American people the truth, that you have to have a majority of the House, that you have to have 60 Senate votes to pass a federal bill.”

She said this fact means that “no Republican president can ban abortions any more than a Democrat president can ban those state laws. So if [what] we really do want to save as many babies as possible, if we do want to support as many moms as possible, then let’s find consensus on where we can do that.”


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