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EXCLUSIVE: House GOP Promises To Fight Socialists, CCP Alongside Argentina In Congratulatory Letter To Milei


Texas Rep. Chip Roy and a group of House Republicans sent a letter to the new President of Argentina, Javier Milei, congratulating him on his historic victory and promising to help him and his country fight socialists and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter to Milei, who won the presidential election on Nov. 19 over left-leaning economy minister Sergio Massa. Milei is a Libertarian politician and former economist. Ten others joined Roy in the congratulatory letter.

“We write to congratulate you on your decisive victory in Argentina’s 2023 presidential election. Your message of freedom, liberty, and advancing economic prosperity through limited government and fiscal responsibility has united the Argentine people in a historic way. As Members of Congress, we look forward to partnering with you to advance these shared values for the remainder of the 118th Congress and beyond. Under your leadership, Argentina can usher in a new era of economic prosperity, end rampant inflation brought on by years of leftist fiscal and monetary policy, and serve as another beacon of liberty in the Western Hemisphere,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter.

“We also look forward to working with you to promote economic growth and security in the Western Hemisphere through trade and other mechanisms while combatting the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Russia, Venezuela, and repressive socialist ideologies in South America,” they continued.

Milei ended up winning 56% of the vote, compared to 44% Massa received.

“We look forward to collaborating with you and Vice President-Elect Victoria Villarruel to advance the security of our region. In the wake of Hamas’ brutal attack on our friend and ally Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran may look to exploit its influence in the Western Hemisphere and its ties to the Venezuelan regime,” they added. (RELATED: ‘Leftist Sons Of B*tches, Be Afraid!’: Meet Javier Milei, Argentina’s New Libertarian President)


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“As you know, the Tri-Border Area, where Argentina borders Brazil and Paraguay, is a hotbed for the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. We stand ready to assist you in advancing the safety and security of you nation – and the Western Hemisphere at large – against terrorist groups and other security threats.”(RELATED: Populist Javier Milei Wins Argentina’s Presidential Election)

The other lawmakers who signed the letter included: Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, Colorado Rep. Doug Lamborn, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Alabama Rep. Gary Palmer, Tennessee Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde, Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles, Ohio Rep. Warren Davidson, Texas Rep. Lance Gooden and Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale.


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