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Lake to Newsmax: Candidates at Debate ‘Kid’s Table’ Buoyed Trump


Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake told Newsmax on Monday that Donald Trump’s legal troubles are not the only reason he saw a jump in his poll numbers following the first GOP presidential primary debate.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed Friday showed Trump gained 5 percentage points to 52%, 39 percentage points ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in second place. Trump chose to skip the debate in Milwaukee.

“Let’s also give credit for those jumps in the poll numbers to the people at the kid’s table, the people on that debate stage,” Lake, a fervent supporter of the former president, told “Eric Bolling The Balance.” “America looked at that cast of characters and said, ‘We don’t want a single one of them. We don’t want Ron DeSantis,’ who was the disappearing man, he couldn’t even come up with anything to say, except his canned lines.

“We certainly don’t want Chris Christie, the bloviating, former governor of New Jersey, who left office, I think, at like nine or 10% approval rating. Asa Hutchinson, who the heck is that? I looked at the entire cast of character and said, ‘Why would we want any of them when we have the greatest president of all time who is running, and we know can do the job.'”

Lake, who is contemplating a run for the GOP nomination for Arizona senator in 2024, challenging incumbent Democrat-turned-independent Kyrsten Sinema, said, “when America got a chance to see who was playing at the kid’s table there they went, ‘Wow, we definitely are with President Trump.'”

“He can do the job,” she said. “Starting on Day 1. He can get us out of these endless wars. Meanwhile, the people on that debate stage, most of them were warmongers. So, America looked at it, they compared, and they said, nope, we’re with Trump.”


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Michael Katz

Michael Katz is a Newsmax reporter with more than 30 years of experience reporting and editing on news, culture, and poltics.


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