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Megyn Kelly to Newsmax: Hawaii Dems Turn Heel on Biden


It was vintage President Joe Biden taking a five-hour mid-vacation trip to patronize Maui wildfire victims and mourning families, according to Megyn Kelly on Newsmax.

“This is not a joking matter,” Kelly told Tuesday’s “Eric Bolling The Balance,” noting Biden conflated a small kitchen fire in his home as nearly taking the life of his wife – all while Lahaina residents lost more than 100 loved ones.

“They’ve been begging you for some attention. They’re angry, and this is not exactly a red state, Eric. These are probably Biden voters who are yelling ‘F you’ to him and saying they’re over him.

“So he shows up. He makes it about himself.”

Doing that was “offensive” and “deeply wrong,” Kelly told host Eric Bolling.

“Stop talking about yourself,” she said. “Talk about the people who are suffering. Say you’re sorry. Say you’ll help them. That’s it. It’s actually not that hard. You have a whole team of advisers telling you how to do it.”

Biden was out of touch with the people in Lahaina, Maui, and Hawaii, Kelly lamented.

“You’ve got at least 115 people dead on the ground there,” she said. “You’ve got almost 1,000 more missing, including potentially scores of children, and he has the nerve when he finally shows up after ‘no commenting’ on their deaths and devastation to make it about himself, to talk about his fake fire that almost killed his wife.”

Kelly noted Biden’s kitchen fire story was exaggerated and nothing compared to the loss those in Hawaii were feeling.

“We pulled the AP news report from 2004, and it described the fire as insignificant, contained within 20 minutes, and limited only to the kitchen,” Kelly continued. “There was nothing about how his wife allegedly almost died.

“And now he has the nerve to get up there and actually talk about his Corvette. That just tells you that was a lie. Who – that actually almost lost their wife after having lost a first wife in a car accident – would refer to it so cavalierly in the same breath as ‘Oh, and my Corvette’?”


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Eric Mack

Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016, starting on the first night of the Republican National Convention. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.


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