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Trump Campaign: Politico Carries Water for China


The Trump campaign on Wednesday said “Politico carries water for the Chinese Communist Party” and accused the outlet of spewing “lies and falsehoods to interfere” in this year’s election.

Campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, in a press release, chastised Politico for what he described as “harebrained” reporting on China’s alleged preference for a Donald Trump return to the White House.

Cheung’s statement, aimed directly at Politico’s Nightly newsletter, which is penned by Catherine Kim, ridiculed the notion that China would favor the former president.

Trump, Cheung wrote, is the same president “who made China submit to pro-America trade and tariff regulations, called them out for exporting the Coronavirus that killed millions across the world, and stood tough against Chinese economic aggression throughout his first term.”

Cheung went further, attacking the credibility of Politico and one of its sources, Rorry Daniels, whom he identified as a “Democrat donor” and criticized for being labeled a “China expert.” He also pointed out Politico’s partnership with the South China Morning Post, which he claims is “widely considered to be the mouthpiece of the CCP.”

The Trump campaign’s statement also highlighted concerns over China’s growing strength during President Joe Biden’s tenure, citing issues such as the influx of fentanyl from China and the rise in illegal Chinese migrants crossing the southern border. Cheung argued that these developments signify a “weaker America and a stronger China” under Biden’s presidency.

Cheung’s message concluded with a rallying cry, positioning Trump as the sole figure capable of reversing China’s influence on the United States: “There is only one person who can stop that from happening: Donald J. Trump.”

Nick Koutsobinas

Nick Koutsobinas, a Newsmax writer, has years of news reporting experience. A graduate from Missouri State University’s philosophy program, he focuses on exposing corruption and censorship.

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