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Flyer’s coat faux pas stirs debate: ‘Nobody is that clueless’


What a coat-astrophe!

A photo of a Delta Air Lines passenger’s brown, fur-lined, hooded jacket covering the TV screen of the flyer behind her has gone viral on Reddit with this simple phrase: “Ready to get triggered?”

“A veeery old woman was wheelchair’d on to the plane, and she was with a family member (probably a son), and it took two airport employees to carry her in to the middle seat,” the poster penned last week.

“I actually had to leave my row to give them space to maneuver,” the Reddit post continued. “Then her family member proceeded to make it more comfortable to her by putting her gigantic jacket over the seat, resulting in what you saw here.”

The poster noted that the middle-seat flyer, whose TV was covered, “said she wasn’t going to say anything, so neither did I. But she had to sadly just scroll instagram and text for an entire 4 hour flight.”

A photo of a Delta Air Lines passenger’s heavy jacket covering the TV screen of the flyer behind her has gone viral on Reddit with this simple phrase: “Ready to get triggered?” AFP via Getty Images

"A veeery old woman was wheelchair'd on to the plane, and she was with a family member (probably a son), and it took two airport employees to carry her in to the middle seat," the Reddit poster penned last week.
“A veeery old woman was wheelchair’d on to the plane, and she was with a family member (probably a son), and it took two airport employees to carry her in to the middle seat,” the poster penned last week. Reddit/WheatlyWoodson

Flight details were not disclosed in the Friday post, which has landed more than 235 comments as of Monday afternoon.

“4 hours!? Hell no. I’d offer to help them move the jacket for her to ‘help her make it even more comfortable,’” one commenter declared.

“This definitely triggered me,” another grumbled. “Nobody is that clueless, it was done on purpose and nothing can convince me otherwise. They counted on the person behind being passive …”

“At some point, I would have simply asked an [flight attendant] walking by or buzzed one and smiled and laughed that the jacket is intruding into my seat and covering my entertainment screen,” a third insisted.

“As a [flight attendant], please tell me,” someone else implored. “A lot of the time they don’t realize it’s covering the monitor. People go through life in their own bubble.”

The original poster said they wished the flight attendant “had said something, because this is a situation where no one is going to say anything to a very old lady. But I also feel bad for the middle pax for being in an awkward situation.”

Middle-seat passengers often have the worst luck, with some travel experts claiming that they shouldn’t even have access to both armrests.

“The real a–hole here is whomever booked her a ticket for a middle seat towards the back of the plane in her condition,” one Redditor proclaimed in the post’s comments.


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