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Inflation has made these US cities the most likely to ruin your wallet: experts


Some of America’s most beloved destinations have also become its most untenable.

A new analysis plunges into which American cities struggle the most with sky-high prices of marked-up goods. Surprisingly, nearly 20 dense population centers are ponying up more than New Yorkers as the year-over-year rate of inflation sits currently at 3.5% — way up from the goal of 2%.

Researchers at Wallet Hub analyzed statistics from the consumer price index for 23 major metropolitan regions to learn that Honolulu, HI is the top U.S. city reeling from overpricing, narrowly followed by the Miami, and Fort Lauderdale areas in Florida.

Honolulu has the worst inflation in America now, new research shows. jdross75 –

Amid a commercial real estate crisis, St. Louis, MO was ranked fourth while both Dallas, TX, and Seattle, WA tied for the fifth slot. Right after was Philadelphia, PA, directly followed by Los Angeles, California, and then Boston, MA followed by Baltimore, MD.

When comparing this past March to 2023 overall, both Dallas and Miami equally had the worst changeover in inflation rates.

In a similar comparison of this March to both January and February, Baltimore — still reeling from the fatal cargo ship collision with the city’s Francis Scott Key bridge on March 26 — showed the highest rates of inflation.

Philadelphia is also having inflation woes. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Nearby Washington D.C. tied with San Francisco, CA for 14 on the overall list, followed by Chicago, IL.

New York City was 18th and Anchorage, AK came in 23 of 23.

Worst ten cities for inflation

Dallas has shown staggering inflation numbers lately. f11photo –
  1. Honolulu, HI
  2. Miami – Fort Lauderdale, FL
  3. San Bernadino, CA
  4. St. Louis, MO
  5. Dallas, TX, tied with Seattle, WA
  6. Philadephia, PA
  7. Los Angeles, CA
  8. Boston, MA
  9. Baltimore, MD
  10. Atlanta, GA


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