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REPORT: Teachers Unions Trained Educators To ‘Inject Gender Ideology Politics’ Into Classrooms


A Wednesday report claimed that the largest teachers unions in the United States worked to “inject gender ideology politics” into classrooms, according to the Defense of Freedom Institute (DFI).

The DFI report, “Summer of Woke, The Sequel,” said the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) allegedly encouraged educators to promote gender ideology in classrooms. (RELATED: Teachers Union Conference Encouraged Educators To Lobby For Gun Control)

One way unions were reportedly promoting “gender ideology” was at a Together Educating America’s Children (TEACH) Conference held between July 21-23 in Washington, D.C. Two of the training sessions the organization noted were “Affirming LGBTQIA+ Identities in and out of the Classroom” and “The TGNCNB [transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary] Inclusive School and Classroom,” according to the report.

The first training session reportedly argued that “local and state policies often prevent the wider acceptance and celebration of all individuals, especially those in the LGBTQIA+ community,” the event said on its Cvent for the conference.

The second training session reportedly claimed that “cisnormativity can be limiting for TGNCNB (transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary) and cisgender folks alike.” The event said it explored the “social and emotional as well as the academic needs of TGNCNB students, staff and families” and examined how educators can be “proactive in creating safe and inclusive school communities for all.”

In June, the NEA also released an “LGBTQ+ toolkit” encouraging its members to “to volunteer their own pronouns and to ask others to share their pronouns, too,” the report read.

DFI also noted that the guide claims “pronoun policies may not be welcome in schools based on state and local policies, but it advises NEA members to follow the guide in intra-union communications.”

Just before the AFT’s TEACH Conference, it adopted a resolution on LGBTQ+ issues favoring “’age-appropriate and inclusive’ bathroom and locker rooms policies,” DFI reported.

The NEA and AFT did not respond to a Daily Caller request for comment.


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