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Father Frank Pavone to Newsmax: Easter ‘Is Like a Reset Button’


God has empowered us all through the resurrection of Jesus Christ as we celebrate on Easter Sunday, Father Frank Pavone told Newsmax on Saturday.

“If Jesus died for our sins, we’ve got to do a little repenting, too, and make a little sacrifice to say, Listen, it’s not just about what I want to believe; it’s about accepting Christ’s teachings. It’s not just about how I want to choose to live; it’s about living as he taught,” Pavone told “Saturday Report.”

“And the beautiful thing about Easter is he doesn’t only give us the example; he gives us the power to live that new life.”

Pavone himself has had his own renewal, having been defrocked by the Vatican and Pope Francis for his open defenses for the unborn. And after getting removed from the Catholic clergy, he is now serving as the national director of Priests for Life.

He joined Newsmax and host Rita Cosby on Saturday to celebrate Holy Week.

“This is like a reset button,” he told Cosby. “Things are so bad. Don’t people get the feeling like, Hey, we’ve got to sort of start all over again? And this is God starting all over again. The reason Easter is on a Sunday is that the first day of the week is when God started creating the universe.

“Now he creates a new universe, a new humanity where we’re reconciled to God. That’s a gift, but it’s also a duty.”


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Eric Mack

Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.

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