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White House Says Satterfield Makes Sure Gaza Aid Is Delivered


To the doubts of some in the U.S. who wonder whether meals and other aid to Gaza actually gets there and is distributed to those in need, the White House Monday gave a resounding assurance.

Asked by Newsmax if there is a U.S. consular official at the border to confirm the aid is delivered, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby replied: “I’m  not  aware  of  a  consular  presence  at  the  border,  but  we’re  in  – I  said – constant  touch  with  our  Israeli  counterparts.”

Kirby specifically pointed to David Satterfield, the president’s special envoy for human rights in the Middle East.

“We also have [Satterfield] for that exact purpose,” he told us, “And I mean he’s like Waldo.  I mean, he’s all over the place constantly up and down.”

Kirby added that Satterfield is “making sure that that stuff is getting in and keeping the president and the whole team fully informed.” 

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